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Shijian Zhuang

Viticulture Farm Advisor
Cooperative Extension Fresno County
550 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite 210-B
(559) 241-7515
Fresno, CA 93710
gzhuang@ucanr.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Viticulture & Enology


M.S. Horticulture, Michigan State University. 2012
B.S. Viticulture and Enology, China Agricultural University. 2009



Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Zhuang, S.; Sun, Q.; Lund, K.; Sabbatini, P.; and Fidelibus, M. (2023). Mechanical Leaf Removal and Irrigation Interact to Affect Yield and Fruit Quality of Cabernet Sauvignon in a Hot Climate. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture.
  • Bustamante, M.; Elfar, K.; Zaninovich, T.; Arreguin, M.; Carachure, C.; Zhuang, G.; Michailides, T.; and Eskalen, A (2023). Reassessing the Etiology of Aspergillus Vine Canker and Sour Rot of Table Grapes in California. Plant Disease.
  • Rwahnih, M.; Diaz-Lara, A.; Arnold, K.; Cooper, M.; Smith, R.; Zhuang, G.; Battany, M.; Bettiga, L.; Rowhani, A.; Golino, D. (2021). Incidence and Genetic Diversity of Grapevine Pinot gris Virus in California. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture.
  • Brown, A.; Travadon, R.; Lawrence, D.; Torres, G.; Zhuang, G.; Baumgartner, K. (2021). Pruning-wound protectants for trunk-disease management in California table grapes. Crop Protection.
  • Cathline, K.; Zhuang, G.; Fidelibus, M. (2020). Productivity and Fruit Composition of Dry-On-Vine Raisin Grapes Pruned to 15- or 20-Node Canes on an Overhead Trellis. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture.
  • Kurtural, K; Zhuang, S; Beebe, A; Martinez-Luscher, M; Lund, K; McGourty, G; Bettiga, L (2019). Conversion to Mechanical Pruning in Vineyards Maintains Fruit Composition while Reducing Labor Costs in ‘Merlot’ Grape Production. HortTech. https://journals.ashs.org/horttech/view/journals/horttech/29/2/article-p128.xml?rskey=4MlZ5s
  • Nouri, Mohamed; Zhuang, George; Culumber, Mae; Trouillas, Florent (2018). First Report of Macrophomina phaseolina Causing Trunk and Codon Canker Disease of Grapevine in the United States. Plant Disease.
  • Sabbatini, Paolo; Zhuang, Shijian; Frioni, Tommaso; Palliotti, Alberto; Sivilotti, Paolo; Falchi, Rachele (2017). Canopy management efficiencies are highly modulated by the climate conditions. Wine and Viticulture Journal.
  • Frioni, Tommaso; Green, Alan; Emling, Jake; Zhuang, Shijian; Palliotti, Alberto; Sivilotti, Paolo; Falchi, Rachele (2017). Impact of spring freeze on yield, vine performance and fruit quality of Vitis interspecific hybrid Marquette. Scientia Horticulturae.
  • Frioni, Tommaso; Zhuang, Shijian; Palliotti, Alberto; Sivilotti, Paolo; Falchi, Rachele; Sabbatini, Paolo (2017). Leaf Removal and Cluster Thinning Efficiencies Are Highly Modulated by Environmental Conditions in Cool Climate Viticulture. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture.
  • Martinez-Luscher, Johann; Brillante, Luca; Nelson, Clinton; Al-Kereamy, Ashraf; Zhuang, Shijian; Kurtural, Kaan (2017). Precipitation before bud break and irrigation affect the response of grapevine ‘Zinfandel’ yields and berry skin phenolic composition to training systems. Scientia Horticulturae.
  • Sanchez, Luis; Sam, Brent; Zhuang, Shijian; Troxell, Erin; Klein, Levente; Alsina, Maria Mar; Hinds, Nigel; Hamann, Hendrik; Claassen, Alan; Lew, David; Dokoozilian, Nick (2015). Variable Rate Irrigation Approach for a Sustainable Vineyard of the Future in California. Publications et Actualités Vitivinicoles (PAV) of the GiESCO.
  • Zhuang, Shijian; Tozzini, Letizia; Green, Alan; Acimovic, Dana; Howell, Stan; Castellarin, Simone; Sabbatini, Paolo (2014). Impact of Cluster Thinning and Basal Leaf Removal on Fruit Quality of Cabernet Franc (Vitis vinifera L.) Grapevines Grown in Cool Climate Conditions. HortScience. 750-756.

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