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Celebrating Biodiversity - Wildflowers NOT Weeds!
Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History
165 Forest Ave
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Contact: Corrie Rothman corrierothman@gmail.com
Sponsor: UC Master Gardeners of Monterey & Santa Cruz


Wildflowers were once abundant throughout our state. Their populations have been drastically reduced due to development, invasive species and more recently, extreme fires and prolonged drought. Wildflowers are beautiful, provide habitat for pollinators, produce nutritious seed, pollen and leaves and are essential elements in a healthy ecosystem.

Come learn how to grow your own mini meadow of wildflowers. Wildflowers struggle to compete with weeds so we’ll also be discussing weed management. We will learn how to identify many of the common weeds that have invaded urban landscapes. Weed eradication and site preparation is important in starting any garden.

Participants are encouraged to bring photos of their weeds.

Finally, we will learn about some of our most local wildflowers and show you how to start some in pots.

Participants will go home with seeds to sow!


Spaces are limited. Register here!
