Life Cycle
Adult females can lay over 200 eggs during a two-month period during spring. The eggs hatch and the nymphs emerge and can be found together with the adults. During spring and summer, there can be two to three generations of leaffooted bugs in your landscape!
In spring, leaffooted plant bugs often feed on thistles and other weeds. When fruits start to ripen, adults migrate into gardens and landscapes and can be found feeding on tomatoes, pomegranates, and citrus as well as ornamental shrubs.
The leaffooted bug sucks plant juices from leaves, shoots and fruit. For most ornamental plants, the feeding causes no visible damage. However, when the bugs feed on fruit, they cause a variety of problems depending on the fruit.
To learn what to do about leaffooted bugs, visit the UC IPM Pest Note: Leaffooted Bugs.
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