How We Plant Our Tomatoes

May 2, 2013

To all the lovely people, 

Here is another thought on growing and watering tomatoes. It will work well for trees also.



How We plant Our Tomatoes

Speaking of tomatoes, would you like to see how we set up our tomato patch? We’ve tried lots of different methods, from simply sticking the plants into the ground, to using that fancy red plastic mulch (which doesn’t work at all), but this is our absolute favorite method because it really gets water to the roots. It’s a method adapted to our needs from the book, How to Grow World Record Tomatoes (an excellent read). Grown this way we easily get 6 foot – 10 foot tomato plants each year, organically of course!

First we bought a few yards of drainage pipe (like PVC pipe with 1/2″ holes drilled into it) and cut it into 18″ lengths. Then after tilling the beds, we dig a hole with the post hole digger on either side of where the tomato plant will be planted.

Tomato Pipe

Place a length of pipe into the hole.

Tomato fill

Fill the hole back up with dirt (but not in the pipe!).

Tomato 3

And place our custom made five foot tomato cages on either side (made with wire fencing). We even have a few cages that are twice as high for our larger 10 foot plants.

Tomato cage

Try this method this summer. You won’t believe how getting the water down to the roots that deep affects the tomatoes. We used to use the small, store bought cages for our tomato plants and now after applying this method, we definately need our hefty custom cages.

By Paul McCollum
By Teresa Garbini
Editor - Division Secretary